Monday, August 4, 2008

RE: last Post

Ok, so Im making a new post, but it is kind of a rely to Mandy and Joy too ;)

I think maybe I was focusing too much on making it mean something to me.
I went and got some canvases today and I think Im going to try painting some still lifes or paint from photos and see if I can do better.
Plus, for me, painting requires more concentration and effort than drawing. Drawing can be rather tedious and mindless sometimes. Painting not so much.

I think Im going to try painting and see if it all comes rushing back.
*crosses fingers* Here's hoping!

And thanks for the support ladies. You all know who you are.
I dont think Id make it through this crap without ya'll.


Thoughtful said...

Have fun! I have no artistic abilities at all when it comes to that stuff.

Just make sure you take a picture and show us! Don't let yourself be your only critic ;)

Candice said...

That's so pretty!

This is fun! You've been tagged! See my blog....