Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Did I get it back?

Last night I felt like painting, but didnt feel like wasting a precious canvas on something unplanned. While digging around in my "craft closet" (the closet in the guest room and is packed to the brim with supplies for everything from crochet projects to clay for small sculptures) I found a frosted glass bottle that I bought back in high school with the intention of painting it, but I never did. (by the by, it is very easy to paint an already frosted piece of glass, if its not frosted, you have to prep it and essentially frost it so the paint will stick)Soooo...I painted it.

Im not sure what I think of it. Im not even sure its done. DH like is and wants me to "hurry up and finish it" so we can put it somewhere in the living room.
Im just not sure I like it, BUT I know Im my own worst critic. I feel I could do better, but Id have to buy a new bottle to do that.
Oh well, good or bad, here it is, in order of "steps"...the last one is just to give a better idea of the colors. It doesnt look that bright in real life. It looks very dark, but kinda cool when the sun shines through it.


texi said...

that came out beautifully!


Anonymous said...

Wow Ani that is really pretty.

Lilly60 said...

Lovely, absolutely lovely Ani!