Thursday, August 28, 2008


We're not out of limbo. Uhg.

DH had an interview with the new company today and said he got the impression that they plan on hiring everyone on. So, thats good at least, we wont be out of a job, BUT (there's always a 'but') the current company claims that they are still desperately searching for a place for all those that would like to move out of this horrid town.
They will (supposedly) find out about a contract with the Air Force on Sept 10th. Bear in mind, though, this is the same contract that we were supposed to hear about exactly a year ago. The contract that was supposed to get us to San Antonio. The government put off their decision by a month, then another month, then 6 months, and so on. So, I have very little confidence that we will find out anything. Also, right around the same time we should be hearing about another contract with the Air Force--the one that would take us to Oklahoma or Missouri. But, that job wouldnt start til about the first of the year, so, we would either stay here til then, or they would try to find us a place somewhere, who knows where.

I was starting to make plans on what to do with the house. I mean, there's different frames of mind. There's the Seller's mind and the Keeper's mind. For example, if we were to stay here, then the guest room would stay blue. If we are selling, its getting painted beige. If we are keeping, I want a green accent wall in out bedroom. If we are selling, it should all be beige. If we are keeping, then I want a nice stove that perfectly matches the dishwasher and fridge, if we are selling, we are just going to give the current, nice dishwasher to the inlaws and buy plain, fairly cheap stove and dishwasher for the house.

Im so sick of this crap. Seriously. I do feel better, though, that the date is getting closer. I mean, the contract is up October 1st, so at least by then we will know something!!


Candice said...

Phooey! I hate limbo! (((Hugs))) I hope they come to a conclusion very soon.