Sunday, April 20, 2008

Little Mini freak out

I think Im imagining things...but maybe not.

Last night I went to the bathroom and I had slight cramping but I didnt think much of it, thought it was maybe gas. All of a sudden while in the bathroom it felt like AF had come. The cramps were BAD and had me doubled over. Well, I did my business, still trying to convince myself it was gas, and when I wiped there was a little stripe of blood. Not pink, not brown, but red blood as though AF were here.
I almost cried and wiped again. Nothing.
I washed my hands and checked inside. Nada.

I cant figure out where in the hell it came from!
And, even weirder is it happened before. The day before I O'd. Except I was in the shower that time. I was washing, saw some blood on the sponge, freaked, and didnt see any more blood. And I had sudden cramps then too.

I dont know whats going on.
It cant be spotting, right? I mean, spotting doesnt make a sudden stripe of blood out of no where and leave nothing else right?
Im so freaked out.
I kind of want to post it on FF in General TTC or something, but Im kind of embarrassed to.
Someone please tell me this is normal and doesnt mean anything bad is going on!


Flying Monkeys said...

I wonder if it has something to do with your ovaries and ovulation? Sometimes spotting, even bright red, around O time is because of hormone fluctuations. After O it could be a cyst bursting. Though I would think it would be longer between the pain and the blood showing up.
I hope it's nothing but I would mention it to your DR just in case.

Annie said...

Thanks Jess:)

Ive had a cyst rupture and this didnt feel anything like that. When it ruptured it wasnt like cramping, but more like someone was stabbing me from the inside out.

Its just so weird that it was there then completely gone.
I talked to my doc's nurse practitioner this morning (to get my progesterone results) and mentioned that I had spotting (didnt go in to detail) that was bright red a day before ovulation and again a couple days ago and she just casually said "Yeah, thats normal, dont worry about it." I was kind of surprised that she was so casual about it.

Lisa said...
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Adrianne said...

I have heard that it is normal for some around O time. Keep us posted!