Thursday, March 20, 2008

What's up with this?!

My body is acting weird this cycle.

Ive been charting since last June. In all those months Ive never ovulated before CD21. I have long cycles and thats just how it is. Before I was charing, I had been using FF just to keep track of my cycles, and Ive been doing that since Sept 06. In all that time I had one cycle that I would consider "short" (others would consider it normal--29 days). That one was Jan 07. All this time I assumed that cycle was annov just because it was so unusually short.

Well, during this cycle, my temp jumped up quite a bit at CD17. I blamed it on my stupid A/C not working right, but the past 2 or 3 days its been colder than usual and my temps are still right around the ones that were from the days when it was warmer than usual in my house.
Also, these "post-O" temps are actually quite low..around 97.5. But when you look at my temps before it looks really high because those temps were in the 96's.

Im so confused. For several days I was flat out convinced that I hadnt ovulated yet. My temps were too low (Ive misguessed ovulation before and now I wont believe I ovulated until my temp is 98.0 or higher), it was far too early, and I had very little ewcm. I normally have ewcm for a week or more before I ovulate, starting between CD 15-18. This time I got heavy ewcm on CD 12-13, but I passed it off as a fluke because it was only for 2 days.

Now, though, if I hadn't really ovulated (I have has several times where FF tells me I O'd at CD15 or so, come to find out 2 weeks later that I clearly O'd on CD25, so I have been leery) I would have ton of ewcm, and Id be getting that annoying "you have fertile cm after ovulation" warning. But I havent had any ewcm. Not since CD13.

So it is looking like I really did O on CD 17. I might actually have a normal cycle before I even have the chance to take Clomid? Wow.

Here's the thing I think is funny. My best friend has 2 kids that are 3 years apart. With both her kids, their due dates were Dec 6th. She always thought that was funny.
Well, if I were to get pregnant this cycle (I try not to think about it, but we all know thats hopeless) my due date would be.....Dec 6th. Crazy, yes? Maybe its a sign?

Wouldnt it be fun if I went to the doc, started figuring out whats wrong, then got pregnant before any of the tests came back?