Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Im so irritated.

How rude can some people be? Seriously.

Its one thing to be in a waiting room with your friend griping and chatting about random things...but for someone to get on a message board that is on a Fertility/Infertility site, but set aside for things that are not pregnancy, child or IF related as an escape, and gripe about their child on their child's birthday is just beyond anything I can think of right now.

I know Im overly emotional and sensitive right now, but really! You dont go on to OT and post rantings about your child. How many of us are sitting there reading that wondering if we will EVER have a child. How many of us are going through being poked and proded to figure out whats wrong and why having a child isnt easy for us? How many of us strain our marriages because of the stress it causes? How many of us have to grit our teeth and fake a smile when our friends brag about their babies taking their first steps, or announce their pregnancies, or even when a Huggies commercial come son tv? How many of us fight back tears at the grocery store when you see the mom your age with twins in a double stroller and a big sister helping dad put things in the cart? And then this woman gets on one of the few escapes there are and gripes about her 2 year old daughter?!

I'll tell you what, some of us would give anything in the world to be pestered by a 2 year old calling us "mama" to the point that we dont have time to get on the computer or get a snack (which obviously her daughter hasnt prevented her from getting on the computer)!
I wish I could just drive to that woman's house and slap her.
I cant even begin to explain how irrate I feel about it.

If she says anything again, I dont know that I will be able to keep my temper on that site.


*~The Mommy~* said...

I'll ride shotgun and add my slap, too:)