Wednesday, March 19, 2008

First Post

Ok, so I finally jumped on the band-wagon and got a blogger. I figured this could be the place for my TTC rantings and maybe one day my pregnancy rantings. Im not comfortable using my Myspace to rant since 2 of my cousins, my brother and several people I hardly know are on my friends list there. I haven't used Livejournal in at least 2 years, so that's out, so this is my outlet. Maybe this will help me to stop pestering my Buddy Groups with my random musings and worries ;)

Im not sure that anyone will read any of this, let alone comment, but at least it gives me a place to get it all out.


Lisa said...
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Annie said...

I actually have a problem shutting up, lol. I also have a hard time remembering everything I was supposed to say. I tend to just stare off in to space and type away, so I end up not making sense or getting off track and forgetting what my point was.

And I would go private...but then no one would read it at all lol.